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Viselect can be used with vue 3, preact, react, or without any framework. All its variants are available as separate packages under the @viselect namespace.


Even though there are packages for all frameworks, due to its complexity, it is often better to go with a custom integration if you're using a framework. Don't worry, you can always switch to using the vanilla package later on if needed!

For the following we'll use the vanilla package, an index.html, styles.css, and main.mjs file to demonstrate how to set up a selection area.

import SelectionArea from '';
// or import SelectionArea from '@viselect/vanilla';

// Generate some divs to select later on
  ['.container.purple', 33],
  ['', 33]
].forEach(([selector, items]) => {
  const container = document.querySelector(selector);

  for (let i = 0; i < items; i++) {

// Instantiate the selection area
const selection = new SelectionArea({
  selectables: ['.container > div'], // Specifies the elements that can be selected
  boundaries: ['.container'], // Specifies the boundaries of each selection
  selectionAreaClass: 'selectionArea' // Specifies the class to be added to the selection area
}).on('start', ({ store, event }) => {
  if (!event.ctrlKey && !event.metaKey) {
    store.stored.forEach(el => el.classList.remove('selected'));
}).on('move', ({ store: { changed: { added, removed } } }) => {
  added.forEach(el => el.classList.add('selected'));
  removed.forEach(el => el.classList.remove('selected'));
.container {
  display: flex;
  flex-wrap: wrap;
  justify-content: center;
  border-radius: 15px;
  padding: 10px;
  margin: 15px 0;
  user-select: none;

.container div {
  height: 50px;
  width: 50px;
  margin: 4px;
  background: rgba(66, 68, 90, 0.075);
  border-radius: 5px;
  cursor: pointer;
} {
  border: 2px dashed #a8b1ff;

.container.purple {
  border: 2px dashed #c8abfa;
} div.selected {
  background: #5c73e7;

.container.purple div.selected {
  background: #a879e6;

.selectionArea {
  background: rgba(102, 110, 255, 0.16);
  border: 1px solid rgb(62, 99, 221);
  border-radius: 0.15em;
<div class="container blue"></div>
<div class="container green"></div>

Which will give you something like this:


The following is the default configuration for the selection area, which can be customized to fit your needs. For more information on the available options, check out the API reference.

const selection = new SelectionArea({

  // Class for the selection-area itself (the element).
  selectionAreaClass: 'selection-area',

  // Class for the selection-area container.
  selectionContainerClass: 'selection-area-container',

  // Query selector or dom-node to set up container for the selection-area element.
  container: 'body',

  // document object - if you want to use it within an embed document (or iframe).
  // If you're inside of a shadow-dom make sure to specify the shadow root here.
  document: window.document,

  // Query selectors for elements which can be selected.
  selectables: [],

  // Query selectors for elements from where a selection can be started from.
  startareas: ['html'],

  // Query selectors for elements which will be used as boundaries for the selection.
  // The boundary will also be the scrollable container if this is the case.
  boundaries: ['html'],

  // Behaviour related options.
  behaviour: {

    // Specifies what should be done if already selected elements get selected again.
    //   invert: Invert selection for elements which were already selected
    //   keep: Keep selected elements (use clearSelection() to remove those)
    //   drop: Remove stored elements after they have been touched
    overlap: 'invert',

    // On which point an element should be selected.
    // Available modes are cover (cover the entire element), center (touch the center) or
    // the default mode is touch (just touching it).
    intersect: 'touch',

    // px, how many pixels the point should move before starting the selection (combined distance).
    // Or specifiy the threshold for each axis by passing an object like {x: <number>, y: <number>}.
    startThreshold: 10,

    // List of triggers that should cause the selection to begin.
    // Each element in the list can be one of the following
    //    - a MouseButton (numbers 0 through 4)
    //    see
    //    - an object of shape { button: MouseButton, modifiers: Modifier[] }
    //    where a Modifier is ( 'ctrl' | 'meta' | 'alt' | 'shift' )
    // To trigger the selection with e.g. <CTRL + SHIFT + LEFT-CLICK> OR <RIGHT-CLICK> the
    // trigger property should look like
    // triggers: [ { button: 0, modifiers: [ "ctrl", "shift" ] }, 2 ]
    // The default value is [0], enabling only the main mouse button (usually left click).
    // On mac the ctrl will act as the meta key.
    triggers: [0],

    // Scroll configuration.
    scrolling: {

      // On scrollable areas the number on px per frame is devided by this amount.
      // Default is 10 to provide a enjoyable scroll experience.
      speedDivider: 10,

      // Browsers handle mouse-wheel events differently, this number will be used as
      // numerator to calculate the mount of px while scrolling manually: manualScrollSpeed / scrollSpeedDivider.
      manualSpeed: 750,

      // This property defines the virtual inset margins from the borders of the container
      // component that, when crossed by the mouse/touch, trigger the scrolling. Useful for
      // fullscreen containers.
      startScrollMargins: {x: 0, y: 0}

  // Additional, built-in features.
  features: {

    // Enable / disable touch support.
    touch: true,

    // Range selection.
    range: true,

    // De-select all if user clicks clicks outside selectables.
    // Disabled by default because it is not possible to reliably detect if the user clicked on a scrollbar.
    deselectOnBlur: false,

    // Configuration in case a selectable gets just clicked.
    singleTap: {

      // Enable single-click selection (Also disables range-selection via shift + ctrl).
      allow: true,

      // 'native' (element was mouse-event target) or 'touch' (element visually touched).
      intersect: 'native'

What's next

If you are working on a large-scale project, you might want to consider a custom integration to have more control over the selection process. It only takes marginally more effort to set up and can save you a lot of time in the long run as your project grows.

If you just want to get it up and running quickly, you can check out the setup instructions for vue 3, preact, react, or vanilla to get started right away.

If you have any questions, open a discussion, check out current issues or take a look at the faqs to see if your question has already been answered.

For further information on the API, check out the API reference.

Released under the MIT License.